Android memory management unit also plays vital role in great success of android among other operating systems. Memory is a very limited resource especially in embedded systems like phones and tablets. Android contains modified Linux kernel for handling low memory scenarios and other issues. Out Of Memory (OOM) killer in linux kills some of the processes in low memory scenarios. This report gives details on different set of problems in OOM killer. Activity Manager Service(AMS), Low Memory Killer(LMK) in android kills some of the applications in low memory scenarios along with OOM killer. In low memory scenarios we should not kill user interesting or user frequently accessing applications. If we kill any user frequently accessing applications, then we need to load those applications, if user wants to access those applications in future. Load operation is costly, it takes nearly 3-5 sec to load an application, as it varies from one application to others. So if we can predict user interesting or future accessing applications using user log history, we can reduce number of applications gets killed in a period of time. We developed AppsLogger application, which predicts the user interesting applications using log history. We modified traditional AMS source code in android 4.2, such that AMS do not kills user interesting applications received from AppsLogger. We are succeeded to reduce x% number of application gets killed in a period of time using log history as compared with traditional approach. We are succeeded to reduce avg response time of accessing any application as y% , z% in log based exponential,linear approaches as compared with traditional android approach.