title={Search-Based Software Engineering in the Era of Modern Software Systems},
author={Federica Sarro},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering},
Xinyue Li, Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Ying Zhang, and Xuanzhe Liu |
Bias Behind the Wheel: Fairness Analysis of Autonomous Driving Systems
2024 |
arXiv |
title={Bias Behind the Wheel: Fairness Analysis of Autonomous Driving Systems},
author={Li, Xinyue and Chen, Zhenpeng and Zhang, Jie M and Sarro, Federica and Zhang, Ying and Liu, Xuanzhe},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.02935},
Jinfeng Wen, Zhenpeng Chen, Federica Sarro, Xuanzhe Liu |
Revisiting the Performance of Serverless Computing: An Analysis of Variance
2023 |
arXiv |
title={Revisiting the Performance of Serverless Computing: An Analysis of Variance},
author={Wen, Jinfeng and Chen, Zhenpeng and Sarro, Federica and Liu, Xuanzhe},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.04309},
Giovani Guizzo, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Christoph Treude and Mark Harman |
Mutation Analysis for Evaluating Code Translation
2023 |
Empirical Software Engineering |
title={Mutation Analysis for Evaluating Code Translation},
author={Giovani Guizzo, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Christoph Treude and Mark Harman},
booktitle={Empirical Software Engineering}
William B. Langdon, Justyna Petke, Aymeric Blot and David Clark |
GI Software with fewer Data Caches Misses
2023 |
arXiv:2304.03235, GECCO 2023 |
William B. Langdon, Vesna Nowack, Justyna Petke, Erik M. Fredericks, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, Markus Wagner and Hyeonseok Lee |
Genetic Improvement @ ICSE 2023
2023 |
ACM Software Engineering News |
W. B. Langdon |
Too big to understand
2023 |
Letter in CACM |
William B. Langdon and Bradley J. Alexander |
Genetic Improvement of OLC and H3 with Magpie
2023 |
12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023 |
W. B. Langdon |
Jaws 30
2023 |
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines |
W. B. Langdon |
Response to comments on "Jaws 30"
2023 |
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines |
Max Hort, Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, and Mark Harman |
Bias Mitigation for Machine Learning Classifiers: A Comprehensive Survey
2023 |
ACM Journal on Responsible Computing |
title={Bias mitigation for machine learning classifiers: A comprehensive survey},
author={Hort, Max and Chen, Zhenpeng and Zhang, Jie M and Sarro, Federica and Harman, Mark},
journal={ACM Journal on Responsible Computing},
Kaibo Liu, Yudong Han, Jie M. Zhang, Zhenpeng Chen, Federica Sarro, Mark Harman, Gang Huang, and Yun Ma |
Who Judges the Judge: An Empirical Study on Online Judge Tests
2023 |
The 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023) |
title={Who Judges the Judge: An Empirical Study on Online Judge Tests},
author={Kaibo Liu and Yudong Han and Jie Zhang and Zhenpeng Chen and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman and Gang Huang and Yun Ma},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA'23},
Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, and Mark Harman |
A Comprehensive Empirical Study of Bias Mitigation Methods for Machine Learning Classifiers
2023 |
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology |
title={A Comprehensive Empirical Study of Bias Mitigation Methods for Machine Learning Classifiers},
author={Zhenpeng Chen and Jie M. Zhang and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman},
title = {A Comprehensive Empirical Study of Bias Mitigation Methods for Machine Learning Classifiers },
journal = {ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology},
volume = {32},
number = {4},
articleno = {106},
pages = {1--30},
year = {2023}
Max Hort, Rebecca Moussa and Federica Sarro |
Multi-objective Search for Gender-fair and Semantically Correct Word Embeddings
[Data & Scripts]
2022 |
Applied Soft Computing Journal |
title={Multi-objective Search for Gender-fair and Semantically Correct Word Embeddings},
author={Hort, Max and Moussa, Rebecca and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Applied Soft Computing Journal}
Vali Tawosi, Rebecca Moussa and Federica Sarro |
Agile Effort Estimation: Have We Solved the Problem Yet? Insights From A Replication Study
[Data & Scripts]
2022 |
Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE22) |
title={Agile Effort Estimation: Have We Solved the Problem Yet? Insights From A Replication Study},
author={Tawosi, Vali and Moussa, Rebecca and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Transactions on Software Engineering}
Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, and Mark Harman |
MAAT: A Novel Ensemble Approach to Addressing Fairness and Performance Bugs for Machine Learning Software
2022 |
30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'22) |
title={MAAT: A Novel Ensemble Approach to Addressing Fairness and Performance Bugs for Machine Learning Software},
author={Zhenpeng Chen and Jie M. Zhang and Federica Sarro and Mark Harman},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE'22},
Shengjie Zuo, Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke |
Evaluation of Genetic Improvement Tools for Improvement of Non-functional Properties of Software
2022 |
11th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, Companion Material Proceedings of the 16th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GI@GECCO 2022 in GECCO 2022 companion) |
author = {Shengjie Zuo and
Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Evaluation of Genetic Improvement Tools for Improvement of Non-functional Properties of Software},
booktitle = {11th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, Companion Material Proceedings of the 16th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference ({GI@GECCO} 2022 in {GECCO} 2022 companion)},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2022},
Blot Aymeric and Justyna Petke |
Using Genetic Improvement to Optimise Optimisation Algorithm Implementations
2022 |
23ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2022) |
author = {Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Using Genetic Improvement to Optimise Optimisation Algorithm Implementations},
booktitle = {23{\`{e}}me Congr{\`{e}}s annuel de la Soci{\'{e}}t{\'{e}} Fran{\c{c}}aise de Recherche Op{\'{e}}rationnelle et d'Aide {\`{a}} la D{\'{e}}cision ({ROADEF} 2022)},
year = {2022},
Rebecca Moussa, Giovani Guizzo and Federica Sarro |
MEG: Multi-objective Ensemble Generation for Software Defect Prediction
2022 |
16th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2022) |
title={MEG: Multi-objective Ensemble Generation for Software Defect Prediction},
author={Moussa, Rebecca, Guizzo, Giovani and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={16th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2022)},
Vali Tawosi, Rebecca Moussa, Federica Sarro |
On the Relationship Between Story Points and Development Effort in Agile Open-Source Software
[Data & Scripts]
2022 |
16th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM'22) |
title={On the Relationship Between Story Points and Development Effort in Agile Open-Source Software},
author={Tawosi, Vali and Moussa, Rebecca and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={16th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM'22)},
Emeralda Sesari, Max Hort, Federica Sarro |
An Empirical Study on the Fairness of Pre-trained Word Embeddings
2022 |
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing |
title={An Empirical Study on the Fairness of Pre-trained Word Embeddings},
author={Sesari, Emeralda and Hort, Max and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing},
James Zhong, Max Hort, Federica Sarro |
Py2Cy: A Genetic Improvement Tool To Speed Up Python
2022 |
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO ’22 Companion) |
title={Py2Cy: A Genetic Improvement Tool To Speed Up Python},
author={Zhong, James and Hort, Max and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO ’22 Companion)},
Rebecca Moussa and Federica Sarro |
On the Use of Evaluation Measures for Defect Prediction Studies
2022 |
31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022) |
title={On the Use of Evaluation Measures for Defect Prediction Studies},
author={Moussa, Rebecca and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022)},
Vali Tawosi, Afnan Al-Subaihin, Rebecca Moussa, Federica Sarro |
A Versatile Dataset of Agile Open Source Software Projects
2022 |
19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR’22) |
author={Tawosi, Vali and Al-Subaihin, Afnan and Moussa, Rebecca and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={2022 IEEE/ACM 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)},
title={A Versatile Dataset of Agile Open Source Software Projects},
Max Hort and Federica Sarro |
Privileged and Unprivileged Groups: An Empirical Study on the Impact of the Age Attribute on Fairness
2022 |
International Workshop on Equitable Data and Technology (FairWare ’22) |
title={Privileged and Unprivileged Groups: An Empirical Study on the Impact of the Age Attribute on Fairness},
author={Hort, Max and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={International Workshop on Equitable Data and Technology (FairWare ’22)},
Dario Asprone, Jonathan Metzman, Abhishek Arya, Giovani Guizzo, Federica Sarro |
Comparing Fuzzers on a Level Playing Field with FuzzBench
[Replication Package]
2022 |
15th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'22) |
title={{Comparing Fuzzers on a Level Playing Field with FuzzBench}},
author={Dario Asprone and Jonathan Metzman and Abhishek Arya and Giovani Guizzo and Federica Sarro},
booktitle={15th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'22)},
Stefanos Georgiou, Maria Kechagia, Tushar Sharma, Federica Sarro, Ying Zou |
Green AI: Do Deep Learning Frameworks Have Different Costs?
[Replication Package]
2022 |
44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) |
author = {Georgiou, Stefanos and Kechagia, Maria and Sharma, Tushar and Sarro, Federica and Zou, Ying},
title = {Green {AI}: Do Deep Learning Frameworks Have Different Costs?},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781450392211},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3510003.3510221},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering},
pages = {1082–1094},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {energy consumption, deep learning, run-time performance, APIs},
location = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},
series = {ICSE '22}
Vali Tawosi, Afnan Al-Subaihin, Federica Sarro |
Investigating the Effectiveness of Clustering for Story Point Estimation
[Replication Package]
2022 |
29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
author={Tawosi, Vali and Al-Subaihin, Afnan and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER)},
title={Investigating the Effectiveness of Clustering for Story Point Estimation},
W. B. Langdon |
Open to Evolve Embodied Intelligence
2022 |
Emodied Intelligence |
Max Hort and Federica Sarro |
Did You Do Your Homework? Raising Awareness on Software Fairness and Discrimination
2021 |
36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) |
title={Did You Do Your Homework? Raising Awareness
on Software Fairness and Discrimination},
author={Hort, Max and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)},
Max Hort, Jie Zhang, Federica Sarro, and Mark Harman |
Fairea: A Model Behaviour Mutation Approach to Benchmarking Bias Mitigation Methods
[Replication Package]
2021 |
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference
and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) |
title={Fairea: A Model Behaviour Mutation Approach to Benchmarking Bias Mitigation Methods},
author ={Hort, Max and Zhang, Jie and Sarro, Federica and Harman, Mark},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
M. Hort, F.Sarro |
The Effect of Offspring Population Size on NSGA-II: A Preliminary Study
2021 |
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO’21 Companion) |
title={The Effect of Offspring Population Size on NSGA-II: A
Preliminary Study},
author={Hort, Max and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2021 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion},
Vali Tawosi, Federica Sarro, Alessio Petrozziello, Mark Harman |
Multi-objective Software Effort Estimation: A Replication Study
[Project Page]
2021 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
author = {Tawosi, Vali and Sarro, Federica and Petrozziello, Alessio and Harman, Mark},
title = {Multi-objective Software Effort Estimation: A Replication Study},
journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/TSE.2021.3083360},
year = {2021},
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke |
Empirical Comparison of Search Heuristics for Genetic Improvement of Software
2021 |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (TEVC) |
author = {Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Empirical Comparison of Search Heuristics for Genetic Improvement of Software},
journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Evolutionary Computation},
doi = {10.1109/TEVC.2021.3070271},
year = {2021},
Max Hort, Maria Kechagia, Federica Sarro, and Mark Harman |
A Survey of Performance Optimization for Mobile Applications
[Project Page]
[Living Survey]
2021 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
author = {Hort, Max and Kechagia, Maria, and Sarro, Federica and Harman, Mark},
title = {A Survey of Performance Optimization
for Mobile Applications},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2021},
M. Kechagia,
S. Mechtaev,
F. Sarro,
M. Harman |
Evaluating Automatic Program Repair Capabilities to Repair API Misuses
[Project Page]
2021 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
@ARTICLE {mkechagia_tse_2021,
author = {M. Kechagia and S. Mechtaev and F. Sarro and M. Harman},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)},
title = {Evaluating Automatic Program Repair Capabilities to Repair {API} Misuses},
year = {2021},
volume = {},
number = {01},
issn = {1939-3520},
pages = {1-1},
doi = {10.1109/TSE.2021.3067156},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
month = {mar}
G. Guizzo,
J. Petke,
F. Sarro,
M. Harman |
Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection
2021 |
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) |
author={Guizzo, Giovani and Petke, Justyna and Sarro, Federica and Harman, Mark},
booktitle={2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)},
title={{Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection}},
G. Guizzo,
J. Petke,
F. Sarro,
M. Harman |
Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Automated Program Repair: A Case Study with
2021 |
Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE) |
author={Guizzo, Giovani and Blot, Aymeric and Callan, James and Petke, Justyna and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE'21)},
title={{Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Automated Program Repair: A Case Study with ARJA and ARJA-e}},
D. Spinellis,
P. Louridas,
M. Kechagia |
Software evolution: the lifetime of fine-grained elements
2021 |
PeerJ Computer Science |
author = {Spinellis, Diomidis and Louridas, Panos and Kechagia, Maria},
journal = {PeerJ Computer Science},
title = {Software evolution: the lifetime of fine-grained elements},
year = {2021},
volume = {e372},
pages = {1-33},
number = {7},
url = {},
doi = {10.7717/peerj-cs.372}
Marta Smigielska, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke |
Uniform Edit Selection for Genetic Improvement: Empirical Analysis of Mutation Operator
2021 |
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering
Workshops (ICSEW) |
author = {Marta Smigielska and
Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Uniform Edit Selection for Genetic Improvement: Empirical Analysis of Mutation Operator Efficacy},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Workshops ({ICSE} 2021 Workshops)},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {2021},
Zhiqiang Bian, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke |
Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Program Repair
2021 |
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering
Workshops (ICSEW) |
author = {Zhiqiang Bian and
Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Refining Fitness Functions for Search-Based Program Repair},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Workshops ({ICSE} 2021 Workshops)},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {2021},
James Callan and Justyna Petke |
Optimising SQL Queries Using Genetic Improvement
2021 |
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering
Workshops (ICSEW) |
author = {James Callan and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Optimising SQL Queries Using Genetic Improvement},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Workshops ({ICSE} 2021 Workshops)},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {2021},
A. E. I. Brownlee,
J. Petke,
A, F. Rasburn |
Injecting Shortcuts for Faster Running Java Code
2020 |
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation |
author = {Alexander E. I. Brownlee and
Justyna Petke and
Anna F. Rasburn},
title = {Injecting Shortcuts for Faster Running Java Code},
booktitle = {{IEEE} Congress on Evolutionary Computation, {CEC} 2020, Glasgow,
United Kingdom, July 19-24, 2020},
pages = {1--8},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2020},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/CEC48606.2020.9185708},
timestamp = {Fri, 11 Sep 2020 15:04:20 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
H. Wu,
C. Nie,
J. Petke,
Y. Jia,
M. Harman |
An Empirical Comparison of Combinatorial Testing, Random Testing and
Adaptive Random Testing
2020 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
author = {Huayao Wu and
Changhai Nie and
Justyna Petke and
Yue Jia and
Mark Harman},
title = {An Empirical Comparison of Combinatorial Testing, Random Testing and
Adaptive Random Testing},
journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Software Eng.},
volume = {46},
number = {3},
pages = {302--320},
year = {2020},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/TSE.2018.2852744},
timestamp = {Thu, 09 Apr 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
T. E. Colanzi, W. K. G. Assunção. S. R. Vergilio, P. R. Farah, G. Guizzo |
The Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering: Past, Present and Future
2020 |
Information and Software Technology (IST) |
title = "The Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering: Past, Present and Future",
journal = "Information and Software Technology",
volume = "127",
pages = "106372",
year = "2020",
issn = "0950-5849",
doi = "",
author = "Thelma Elita Colanzi and Wesley K.G. Assunção and Silvia R. Vergilio and Paulo Roberto Farah and Giovani Guizzo"
F. Sarro, R. Moussa, A. Petrozziello, M. Harman |
Learning From Mistakes: Machine Learning Enhanced Human Expert Effort Estimates
[Project Page]
2020 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
title={Learning From Mistakes: Machine Learning Enhanced Human Expert Effort Estimates},
author={Sarro, Federica and Moussa, Rebecca and Petrozziello, Alessio and Harman, Mark},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
G. Guizzo, F. Sarro, J. Krinke, S. R. Vergilio |
Sentinel: A Hyper-Heuristic for the Generation of Mutant Reduction Strategies
[Source Code]
[Project Page]
2020 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
author={G. {Guizzo} and F. {Sarro} and J. {Krinke} and S. R. {Vergilio}},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
title={Sentinel: A Hyper-Heuristic for the Generation of Mutant Reduction Strategies},
C. Gao, J. Zeng, F. Sarro, D. Lo, I. King, M. R. Lyu |
Do users care about ad’s performance costs? Exploring the effects of the performance
costs of in-app ads on user experience
2020 |
Journal of Information and Software Technology (IST) |
title = "Do users care about ad’s performance costs? Exploring the effects of the performance costs of in-app ads on user experience",
journal = "Information and Software Technology",
pages = "106471",
year = "2020",
issn = "0950-5849",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Cuiyun Gao and Jichuan Zeng and Federica Sarro and David Lo and Irwin King and Michael R. Lyu"
A. Al-Subaihin and F. Sarro |
Exploring The Use of Genetic Algorithm Clustering for Mobile App Categorization
2020 |
12th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE) |
title={Exploring the Use of Genetic Algorithm Clustering for Mobile App Categorisation},
author={Al-Subaihin, Afnan A and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering},
Mingyi Lim, Giovani Guizzo and Justyna Petke |
Impact of Test Suite Coverage on Overfitting in Genetic Improvement of Software
2020 |
Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE'20) |
author = {Mingyi Lim and
Giovani Guizzo and
Justyna Petke},
editor = {Aldeida Aleti and
Annibale Panichella},
title = {Impact of Test Suite Coverage on Overfitting in Genetic Improvement
of Software},
booktitle = {Search-Based Software Engineering - 12th International Symposium,
{SSBSE} 2020, Bari, Italy, October 7-8, 2020, Proceedings},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {12420},
pages = {188--203},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2020},
url = {\_14},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-59762-7\_14},
timestamp = {Wed, 30 Sep 2020 18:02:38 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
A. Blot,
J. Petke |
Stack-Based Genetic Improvement
2020 |
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering
Workshops (ICSEW) |
author = {Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Stack-Based Genetic Improvement},
booktitle = {{ICSE} '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering,
Workshops, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27 June - 19 July, 2020},
pages = {289--290},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2020},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3387940.3392174},
timestamp = {Fri, 16 Oct 2020 11:06:55 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
A. Blot,
J. Petke |
Synthetic Benchmarks for Genetic Improvement
2020 |
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering
Workshops (ICSEW) |
author = {Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {Synthetic Benchmarks for Genetic Improvement},
booktitle = {{ICSE} '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering,
Workshops, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27 June - 19 July, 2020},
pages = {287--288},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2020},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3387940.3392175},
timestamp = {Fri, 16 Oct 2020 11:06:55 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
J. Petke,
A. Blot |
Refining Fitness Functions in Test-Based Program Repair
2020 |
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering
Workshops (ICSEW) |
author = {Justyna Petke and
Aymeric Blot},
title = {Refining Fitness Functions in Test-Based Program Repair},
booktitle = {{ICSE} '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering,
Workshops, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27 June - 19 July, 2020},
pages = {13--14},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2020},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3387940.3392180},
timestamp = {Fri, 16 Oct 2020 11:06:55 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
A. Blot,
J. Petke |
Comparing Genetic Programming Approaches for Non-functional Genetic
2020 |
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP) |
author = {Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
editor = {Ting Hu and
Nuno Louren{\c{c}}o and
Eric Medvet and
Federico Divina},
title = {Comparing Genetic Programming Approaches for Non-functional Genetic
booktitle = {Genetic Programming - 23rd European Conference, EuroGP 2020, Held
as Part of EvoStar 2020, Seville, Spain, April 15-17, 2020, Proceedings},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {12101},
pages = {68--83},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2020},
url = {\_5},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-44094-7\_5},
timestamp = {Mon, 04 May 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
G. Guizzo, F. Sarro, M. Harman |
Cost Measures Matter for Mutation Testing Study Validity
2020 |
Proceedings of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on
the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’20) |
title={Cost Measures Matter for Mutation Testing Study Validity},
author={G. {Guizzo} and F. {Sarro} and M. {Harman}},
booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’20)},
Y. Zhao, J. Chen, A. Sejfia, M. S. Laser, J. M. Zhang, F. Sarro, M. Harman, N.
Medvidović |
FrUITeR - A Framework for Evaluating UI Test Reuse
[Replication Package]
2020 |
Proceedings of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on
the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’20) |
title={FrUITeR - A Framework for Evaluating UI Test Reuse},
author={Y. Zhao, J. Chen, A. Sejfia, M. S. Laser, J. M. Zhang, F. Sarro, M. Harman, N. Medvidović},
booktitle={Proceedings of 28th ACM Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
M. Hort, F.Sarro |
Optimising Word Embeddings With Search-Based Approaches [BibTeX]
2020 |
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO’20 Companion) |
title={Optimising word embeddings with search-based approaches},
author={Hort, Max and Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion},
F. Sarro, A. Petrozziello, D.-Q. He, S. Yoo |
A New Approach to Distribute MOEA Pareto Front Computation
2020 |
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO’20 Companion) |
title={A New Approach to Distribute MOEA Pareto Front Computation},
author={Sarro, Federica and Petrozziello, Alessio and He, Dan-Qi and Yoo, Shin},
organization={Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference}
Jie M. Zhang, Mark Harman, Lei Ma, Yang Liu |
Machine Learning Testing: Survey, Landscapes and Horizons [BibTeX] [URL] [
2020 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
title={Machine learning testing: Survey, landscapes and horizons},
author={Zhang, Jie M and Harman, Mark and Ma, Lei and Liu, Yang},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.10742},
Sergio Di Martino, Filomena Ferrucci, Carmine Gravino, Federica Sarro |
Assessing the Effectiveness of Approximate Functional Sizing Approaches for Effort
Estimation [BibTeX] [URL]
2020 |
Journal of Information and Software Technology (IST) |
title={Assessing the Effectiveness of Approximate Functional Sizing Approaches for Effort Estimation},
author={Di Martino, Sergio and Ferrucci, Filomena and Gravino, Carmine and Sarro, Federica},
journal={Information and Software Technology},
Jie M. Zhang, Zeyu Sun, Mark Harman, Mike Papadakis, Lu Zhang |
Automatic Testing and Improvement of Machine Translation [BibTeX] [URL] [
2020 |
42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020) |
title={Automatic Testing and Improvement of Machine Translation},
author={Sun, Zeyu and Zhang, Jie M and Harman, Mark and Papadakis, Mike and Zhang, Lu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.02688},
Al-Subaihin, Afnan and Sarro, Federica and Black, Sue and Capra, Licia |
Empirical comparison of text-based mobile apps similarity measurement techniques [BibTeX]
2019 |
Empirical Software Engineering |
title={Empirical comparison of text-based mobile apps similarity measurement techniques},
author={Al-Subaihin, Afnan and Sarro, Federica and Black, Sue and Capra, Licia},
journal={Empirical Software Engineering},
Maria Kechagia, Xavier Devroey, Annibale Panichella, Georgios Gousios, Arie van Deursen
Effective and efficient API misuse detection via exception propagation and search-based
testing [BibTeX] [URL] [
2019 |
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and
Analysis |
title={Effective and efficient API misuse detection via exception propagation and search-based testing},
author={Kechagia, Maria and Devroey, Xavier and Panichella, Annibale and Gousios, Georgios and van Deursen, Arie},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis},
F. Sarro |
Search-Based Predictive Modelling for Software Engineering: How Far Have We Gone? [BibTeX] [URL]
2019 |
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering
title={Search-Based Predictive Modelling for Software Engineering: How Far Have We Gone?},
author={Sarro, Federica},
booktitle={International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering},
Colanzi. T. E., Assunção. W. K. G., Farah. P. R., Vergilio. S. R., Guizzo, G. |
A Review of Ten Years of the Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering [BibTeX] [URL]
2019 |
Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE'19) |
title={A Review of Ten Years of the Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering},
author={Colanzi, Thelma Elita and Assun{\c{c}}{\~a}o, Wesley Klewerton Guez and Farah, Paulo Roberto and Vergilio, Silvia Regina and Guizzo, Giovani},
booktitle={International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering},
M. Jimenez, R. Rwemalika, M. Papadakis, F. Sarro, Y, Le Traon and M. Harman |
The Importance of Accounting for Real-World Labelling When Predicting Software
Vulnerabilities [BibTeX] [URL] [
2019 |
ACM Distinguished Paper Award Paper at the 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on
the Foundations of Software Engineering |
title={The importance of accounting for real-world labelling when predicting software vulnerabilities},
author={Jimenez, Matthieu and Rwemalika, Renaud and Papadakis, Mike and Sarro, Federica and Le Traon, Yves and Harman, Mark},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
J. Zhang, F. Li, D. Hao, M. Wang, H. Tang, L. Zhang, M. Harman |
A Study of Programming Languages and Their Bug Resolution Characteristics [BibTeX] [URL]
2019 |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) |
title={A Study of Programming Languages and Their Bug Resolution Characteristics},
author={Zhang, Jie and Li, Feng and Hao, Dan and Wang, Meng and Tang, Hao and Zhang, Lu and Harman, Mark},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
Jie M Zhang, Lingming Zhang, Dan Hao, Lu Zhang, Mark Harman |
An Empirical Comparison of Mutant Selection Assessment Metrics [BibTeX] [URL]
2019 |
IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops
title={An Empirical Comparison of Mutant Selection Assessment Metrics},
author={Zhang, Jie M and Zhang, Lingming and Hao, Dan and Zhang, Lu and Harman, Mark},
booktitle={2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)},
Jie M. Zhang, Lingming Zhang, Dan Hao, Meng Wang, Lu Zhang |
Do Pseudo Test Suites Lead to Inflated Correlation in Measuring Test Effectiveness? [BibTeX] [URL]
2019 |
12th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification |
title={Do Pseudo Test Suites Lead to Inflated Correlation in Measuring Test Effectiveness?},
author={Zhang, Jie M and Zhang, Lingming and Hao, Dan and Wang, Meng and Zhang, Lu},
booktitle={2019 12th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST)},
N. Alshahwan, A. Ciancone, M. Harman, Y. Jia, K. Mao, A. Marginean, A. Mols, H. Peleg,
F. Sarro, I. Zorin |
Some Challenges for Software Testing Research (Invited Talk Paper)
[BibTeX] [URL]
2019 |
Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, (ISSTA
2019) |
title={Some challenges for software testing research (invited talk paper)},
author={Alshahwan, Nadia and Ciancone, Andrea and Harman, Mark and Jia, Yue and Mao, Ke and Marginean, Alexandru and Mols, Alexander and Peleg, Hila and Sarro, Federica and Zorin, Ilya},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis},
Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, Justyna Petke, and Shin Yoo |
PyGGI 2.0: Language Independent Genetic Improvement Framework
[Source Code]
2019 |
Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference
and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2019) |
author = {Gabin An and
Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke and
Shin Yoo},
title = {{PyGGI 2.0}: Language Independent Genetic Improvement Framework},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th {ACM} Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering ({ESEC/FSE} 2019)},
publisher = {{ACM}},
pages = {1100--1104},
isbn = {978-1-4503-5572-8},
doi = {10.1145/3338906.3341184},
year = {2019},
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke |
On Adaptive Specialisation in Genetic Improvement
2019 |
Companion Material Proceedings of the 14th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference (GECCO 2019 companion) |
author = {Aymeric Blot and
Justyna Petke},
title = {On Adaptive Specialisation in Genetic Improvement},
booktitle = {Companion Material Proceedings of the 14th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference ({GECCO} 2019 companion)},
publisher = {{ACM}},
pages = {1703--1704},
doi = {10.1145/3319619.3326839},
year = {2019},
Aymeric Blot |
Fuzzy Edit Sequences in Genetic Improvement
2019 |
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement (GI@ICSE 2019) |
author = {Aymeric Blot},
title = {Fuzzy Edit Sequences in Genetic Improvement},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement ({GI@ICSE} 2019)},
publisher = {{ACM}},
pages = {30--31},
doi = {10.1109/GI.2019.00016},
year = {2019},